HDMI video grabber, USB3.0, 4K HDMI video grabber, USB3.0, 4K
HDMI video grabber, USB3.0, 4K HDMI video grabber, USB3.0, 4K
HDMI video grabber, USB3.0, 4K
HDMI video grabber, USB3.0, 4K



Basic UDI-DI


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With the Labomed microscope Link 4K, you connect your high-end DLSR, microscope camera. Stream your DLSR camera. You can record in the highest quality, which is 4K at 30 fps or 1080p at 60 fps, depending on the type of content you're creating. Is your memory card about to fill up in the middle of a stream? No problem, since the Cam Link stores your footage directly on your hard drive. That way, you won't run the risk of your footage not being saved.

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