Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit
Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit
Counter balance weight on ergo mount kit
The Counter balance gives you the option to balance your microscope head into the Z-ax direction. Standard the microscope head is balanced through the tension adjustment on the left side of...



Basic UDI-DI



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The Counter balance gives you the option to balance your microscope head into the Z-ax direction. Standard the microscope head is balanced through the tension adjustment on the left side of the magnichanger. By use of the Counter balance you can work without any adjustment on this part. The Counter balance is easily mounted under the ergo mount kit.

This item helps to counterbalance the weight of accessories and enables smooth handling and effortless microscope movement. We advice you to order this item in combination with the microscope as the head is then perfectly adjusted for the purchased configuration.

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